So apparently I still had leftover funfetti mix from the funfetti dip I previously made and found this awesome recipe Here! It's for some Funfetti Brownie type bars but let me tell first I thought I was making it wrong because it seemed weird and sort of looked weird but they were FANTASTIC. My husband nearly ate the entire pan (ok, I admit, I almost did too...) They taste like cake batter practically melting in your mouth!
1 1/4 cup funfetti cake mix
3/4 cup flour
1/4 teaspoon baking soda
3/4 cup butter, slightly melted
1 egg
1 egg yolk
2 teaspoons vanilla
1/2 cup sugar
1/2 cup brown sugar
5 tablespoons sprinkles (optional)
Step 1) Preheat oven to 350F. Grease an 8 x 8 inch pan.
Step 2) Mix sugars, butter, vanilla, egg, and egg yolk.
Step 3) Mix in flour, cake mix, and baking soda until just mixed. Stir in sprinkles.
Step 4) Spread batter evenly into greased pan.
Step 5)Bake for 30-35 minutes until top is lightly browned. Cool completely before cutting.
The middle should be still fairly soft and wiggly. It will rise a lot but while cooling it flattens.
Enjoy! I was also luck enough to have some awesome homemade sauce before dessert!
A sign that says "The Stockings Were Hung..." with pegs
Wooden letters that say "JOY"
A Gumball Machine
Cloth Letters
Let's see how many more things I will probably add to this list! (Keep a look out for them!)
Also, here is a great Holiday Photo Checklist that has been floating around pinterest!
My first December Pinterest Idea: (Lantern filled with lights & ornaments)
What are your crafting ideas for the month of December?
Looking for some great toys for your little ones this holiday season?
How about some coupons on some great Fisher Price toys?
$10 off Thomas and Friends Cranky and Flynn Save the Day
$10 off Big Action Construction Site with Remote Control
$5 off Topzy Tumblers Twirlin' Tumblin' Fun Park
$5 off Magical Fairy Dora
$5 off Little People Zoo Talkers Animal Sounds Zoo
$5 off Laugh & Learn Dance & Play Puppy
Thanksgiving has come and gone and I had a lot of family time to reflect on what I was thankful for this year. I’m sure everyone has a long list here (as do I) but I have to admit, this year, I am really thankful for my husband. He brought me out of one of the worst situations and taught me that I can do anything and be anything. He showed me that I am beautiful and strong. He is wonderful. I’m so glad God brought us together. (I know, corny & cliché)
Well. Black Friday is upon us and I can’t wait to get a lot of items checked off my list!
I never ever know exactly what I want for Christmas so I guess here are some of my holiday wish list items (in reality there’s A LOT on there but it’s all general items, nothing specific):
Not going to lie...when I found this recipe I was very apprehensive. I don't think anything can live up to actual funfetti cake batter, but it was still pretty good. I don't feel like it made very much so I'd probably double it up next time, but that means I would definitely make it again!
3 tablespoons funfetti
2 tablespoons plain yogurt
1 tablespoon cool whip
Something to dip! (I used Nilla Wafers)
(Hello Wegmans gosh)
Directions: Mix together in listed order! Yes, it really is that simple!
Sunday was my cousin’s baby shower! Yay! I had a lot of fun and really enjoyed seeing family I don’t get to see very often!(and a few visits from the ambulance thanks to peanuts!) It got me wondering who you would rather be at a party. I guess it would depend on the type of party but I think most of the time I would enjoy being the hostess the long as I'm not one of those annoying pushy hostess' ...I'd feel horrible. Ha.
Yes it can be a lot of work and stress (sometimes a lot of money) but it feels great to see your plan fall into place. Being a guest is great when you just want to relax and have a little fun! As a hostess though you can take your whole plan and see it finally fall together (a birthday party for example). Obviously every single detail won't be perfect but you can finally see the payoff of all the hard work you did.
As (pretty much) all of you know, I do not currently have a child nor am I expecting but with my husband and I *relatively* planning out the next few years of our lives I have been thinking of what will happen when I do get pregnant. I didn’t realize how much there is to think about! How to decorate, where to put the nursery, moving?, budget (Yes, I am already beginning to acquire baby things!...(I’m not weird…)),
I just HADDD to have a few things…
find out or not find out!, names, (I guess these are all things I can figure out when I’m actually pregnant…(Maybe I am weird…)) How do we tell people?! A lot of people do creative things to tell friends, family, etc. that they are expecting. I figure it’s never too early to begin thinking of cute ideas. Giving gifts, wearing a shirt that says “Future Sabres fan” with a little arrow to my belly and see who notices. When I was born I guess my grandma had said she was going to move into my parents extra bedroom. My dad said she could have it but only for a few months because someone else would be moving in!
So I know I’m a little ahead of myself here and apparently, according to this post, I like run-on sentences and dislike grammar, but how did you tell your family and friends that you were/are expecting?? Trying to plan the perfect time and way to tell everyone doesn’t always work out, sometimes it just happens! Link up or comment and let us know how it happened for you!
Melissa & Doug want you to tell them which of their educational toys you think is the best! Just click on the image below to place your vote in the North "Poll!" You'll Get a Melissa & Doug 25% Off Coupon** to use at just for voting!
(Can I just say how much I absolutely love the classic wooden toys! *squee*)
With so many dark and gloomy days during fall we need to find things to keep us happy through the muck. I don’t know about you but as for me my mood usually changes with the weather. I love bright sundress type days and never want to do anything on cold gloomy ones. I decided to find some things I love about fall:
Snuggling up in front of the fire
The food!
The colors
The fashion (perfect weather for boots, bags, scarves, and sweaters!)
The Activities (Pumpkin carving, baking, apple picking!)
The beginning of “the holidays”
The sports! (end of baseball, football, beginning of hockey)
Hot Cider and Hot Chocolate!
Does your mood change with the weather? What is your favorite thing about fall?
My entire life I’ve lived in the country. Now I live in the suburbs and I feel like it is so different. When I went to bed at night it was silent and now I hear noises all night long. I think every place has its advantages and disadvantages though. Examples: Noise, people, travel time, you get the picture. Sometimes I wish I lived in the city (mainly NYC).
I would love the fashion and the networking. Something about the subway gets me as well. I know, silly. There is probably always a new place to go and explore. My husband and I love to travel/adventure/and explore. Speaking of NYC, we just went to Brooklyn for my Brother in Law’s 30th birthday! SURPRISE! It was a blast; I love spending time with family! As we drove by all the old buildings we got wondering what they used to be, what they are now, and what they look like inside. Most apartments are relatively small so we wondered how each one was decorated to meet each person’s unique taste. (I love the high ceilings and classic look of the architecture!) (Can you tell I’m an architect’s daughter? Ha.) Don’t get me wrong though, I still love the country. (Although it would be nice to live closer to a Sonic!)
Like I said, every place has its advantages and disadvantages. They all have their own story to tell. Where would you like to live? What style fits you best?
I must have a thing for cheesy things for Tasty Thursday. This week I attempted broccoli-cheese bites. Just about the only way I can get my husband to eat anything green and healthy is by dousing it in cheese so I thought these might be a win for the home team.
- 16 oz. of chopped broccoli thawed and drained of water (I went the easy way out with the steamfresh kind)
- 3 eggs
- 1 & 1/2 cups grated cheddar cheese
- 1 cup breadcrumbs
Step 1) Combine all ingredients in a large bowl
Step 2) Make small patties out of mixture and put on cookie sheet (I sprayed pam on mine first)
Step 3) Bake at 375 Degrees for 25 minutes. Flip them at the 15 minute mark.
Step 4) Let cool and eat!
Super easy and I have also seen people do variations with different cheese and breadcrumbs, etc.
I’ve been thinking a lot lately about my future and my kids (I think I’ve been inspired from Toddle Along Tuesdays – Hopes and Dreams for your child) So here’s all the mush that’s been going on in my head lately:
Right now you are only a figment of my wildest dreams but one day you’ll surprise your father and I. He’ll be so proud and happy to walk into the waiting room and let everyone know what you are! Male or Female…what are you planning?! Like any mother I have a lot of hopes and dreams for you. I hope you laugh. I hope you try new things. I hope you explore. I hope you reach for the stars.
I hope you always know that someone loves you. Don’t ever feel like you are alone. Don’t ever lose hope. Always keep the faith (Like your great grandfather used to say). We believe in you every step of the way that you can be whatever you want to be! I hope you notice the small things in life. I hope you see the beauty in the little things and I hope you always wonder. Be curious and ask a lot of questions! Live without regrets and always make time to play! I hope you’re playing when you are as old as we are. It doesn’t matter if it’s getting your hands dirty outside or constructing cities out of legos like daddy as long as you are having fun. Laugh at the little things and don’t take life too seriously.
I can’t wait to meet you <3
So, I know it’s a little silly being I’m not even pregnant yet but whatever, it got me thinking about it! There is absolutely no reason why we couldn’t start trying now but I know it’s the right thing to wait. I hope when I do get pregnant I keep writing little notes like this. I would love to put them all in a book and give them to him/her on a certain milestone.
For the record, Everyone else’s TAT’s were making me tear up! Check them out below!
I hope these help a little! I am very sorry if some of them do not work! :-/
I snatched these coupons from Printable Coupons and Deals which has a much longer alphabetical list of baby coupons. Gerber and Johnson & Johnson!