Slowly but surely I will continue to be around; I promise! Things are sortofkindamaybe starting to look up around here. I even got her to take this fantastic heaven of a nap today. which I sat on my butt in silence and played candy crush. Go ahead; judge. I know you want to! Anyway...
When we first had Munchabelle my
mother in law made us a bunch of crockpot meals to help us out. She got all of
the ingredients together and all we needed to do was throw them in the pot. Seriously so
helpful. One of my favorites was this awesome 3 bean soup. We never added the
peppers but I bet it’s pretty good that way.
1 can black beans
1 can cannellini beans
1 can light red kidney beans
1 cup water
2 cans tomato
1 cup pasta
Pour 3 cans beans (drained) and 2 cans in crock pot
Add 1 cup water
Cook on low 4 hours
Add pasta (adding more or less depending on
preference) and cook 30 minutes longer
*can also add 2
chopped peppers*
I also covered it in shredded cheese. It was so delicious!
Cj Thapa · 614 weeks ago